
Charles Keegan
CEO & Founder, Aviation Management Associates, Inc.
Mr. Charlie Keegan is a Senior Advisor of EIT, Inc. He brings over 40 years' experience working for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Raytheon Technical Services, a fortune 500 company.
Mr. Keegan brings extensive operations and business development experience in the aviation and defense industry. He has been responsible for profit and loss on the Future Air Navigation Systems (FANS) at Raytheon, and had the responsibility for highly competitive capture and execution of program, such as, the Joint Precision and Landing System (JPALS) for US Navy, Safety and Security for the GPX OCX system for US Air Force, Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) for the Federal Aviation Administration, satellite navigation system for India (GAGAN) and Japan (MSAS), and lead development of technical solutions for growing transportation management business, including air traffic management systems, security and automated highway tolling.
At the FAA, he served as the Chairman of the multi-Agency Joint Program Development Office (JPDO) for operations planning and development of the Next Generation of Air Transportation System; for development of the future aviation architecture and integrated policy for the FAA, Department of Transportation (DOT), Department of Defense (DoD), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Department of Commerce (DOC), and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Prior to that Mr. Keegan performed as Vice President of Operations for US En Route and Oceanic Air Traffic Control System including 11,000 personnel deployed throughout the US including Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, and Puerto Rico; and as FAA's Associate Administrator for Research and Acquisitions, responsible for the FAA's world-class research program and the entire annual capital budget of over of $2.5B.
Mr. Keegan is highly recognized for his contributions to the aviation industry and has been honored with a Gold Medal for Superior Achievement by the Secretary, U.S. DOT Department of Transportation; a Superior Achievement Award from Vice President Al Gore for serving on U.S. President's Commission on Aviation Safety, Security and ATC Modernization; and has been elected as Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Air Traffic Control Association. Mr. Keegan is also a Member of the prestigious National Academies of Science Board, various National Academies Panels, various Standards and Performance setting organization advisory boards, panels, and groups. Mr. Keegan has a Bachelor's Degree in Business and Air traffic Control from Daniel Webster College, Nashua, New Hampshire.

Dan Courain
CEO & Founder, Aviation Management Associates, Inc.
Mr. Dan Courain is a Senior Advisor of EIT, Inc. He brings over 30 years' experience in the aviation industry working as a senior executive and Vice President of fortune 500 companies, such as, Lockheed Martin and Excelis Corporation.
Mr. Courain brings extensive operations and business development experience managing Exelis Corporation's (now Harris Corporation) $1.4B, 10-year SE2020 contract for Research and Mission Analysis. Prior to that, Mr. Courain managed Lockheed Martin's $1.9B program to operate and maintain the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA's) Automated Flight Service Stations (AFSS) which required managing 1200 employees per year, $190M in annual sales, and a team of 15 subcontractors. Mr. Courain also won and managed Lockheed Martin's $1.1B National Airspace System (NAS) Implementation Support Contract (NISC) for providing engineering services in support of the FAA's NAS modernization program. NISC involved managing approximately 1000 employees per year, $100M in annual sales, and a team of 12 subcontractors.
Mr. Courain has a Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology, New Jersey, and a Master's Degree in Business Administration from Adelphi University, Garden City, New York.